Monday, February 7, 2011

Times are changing

So the other day Karl and I decided hed come visit almost a week earlier than we had planned to come. He didnt have work, so hey why not? He can sit online at home.....just like he can at my house except this means a whole week full of sleepovers.

In some sad news my dog died today. I was expecting it, but not as quickly as it happened. If you knew my dog at all, he was an old dude, almost 14. He had a skin condition that was making his hair fall out, he smelled AWFUL, had really gross growths in his ears that caused him to go deaf a while happens in cocker spaniels. Im pretty sure that if anyone had seen him over the last few months they would have thought we didnt take care of him because he looked so awful. BUT he was just an old dude. I feel the worst for my dad, a few months ago his mother died, and now the dog. Not that theyre on the same level, but the dog was my dads best friend in the whole world. Id wake up some mornings to him singing songs about the dog. Hed bring him on car rides everyday and hed always make sure the dog got something good for lunch whenever my dad ate, whether it be soup or a hamburger that my dad would make special just for him. Did I mention we have one of those electric fireplaces that we had on the floor near the dog just so he wouldnt ever get cold?
He was a good guy, even though he couldnt manage to walk up or down stairs anymore I know he was still happy. I could tell every time I walked into the house that he just wanted to have someone talk to him. Ill miss him a lot.
In more positive news, after lurking/talking to Caitlin and this cute girl, I decided I needed to order a wig. I cant dye my hair because of work and with the reviews they give I decided why not. I got a lot of shit for it because it was so expensive. But honestly, I think I will wear it almost every day. Im in love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about your dog :( but you look so good in the wig! I'm glad you like it
