Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You know what I hate?

Lots of stuff, but mostly math.
As a requirement for graduation this year I had to take either a science or a math class and seeing as I suck even worse at science than I do math it was my only option. My teacher is an old man who just talks and talks about nothing and no one actually learns anything. So, needless to say, I have only attended two out of at least six classes because I deemed it a waste of my time. However, I also havent been doing the homework because I couldnt afford the book. They wanted us to buy a brand new edition for 70$ and seeing as I definitely dont have that much money I waited and ordered the older edition for 10$ which was cool, but it just came in the mail and now im way behind and the test is tomorrow.

The last few days have been pretty rough, after feeling like my heart has been stepped on for the last few days, I called out of work tuesday so I could sleep and got called into work today because one of the other supervisors was sick. Seems like my life. Sitting in class kills me because my mind wanders and causes me to dwell.
However, after talking to a friend tonight I feel much better. I dont talk to him very often, but I do hold his opinions very highly and I wanted to know what he thought I should do. Oddly enough he told me he had been through the same thing and kept his relationship, it grew and now its better. The trust comes back and you cant hold things over someone. Something that happened almost 8 months ago, should have been told to me 8 months ago, but seeing as it wasnt all I can do is move on, forward.

Speaking of moving forward, in slightly more than three months ill be living here...

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